Hello! I'm

I'm a passionate developer from Costa Rica. I enjoy designing and building software that impacts our modern world and that is delivered to end users in the form of user friendly and performant UIs.

I’m Andrés and I’m a Software engineer!
Surfer illustration

About Me

I'm a business graduate from Universidad de Costa Rica, with a technical degree in Software Engineering from Universidad Cenfotec.

I discovered software development 5 years ago, and I've been building apps as a hobby and professionally ever since.

Surfing, guitar and programming are the three things I enjoy the most, and one of my main goals is to exercise my passion for the latter by being part of enriching and impactful software projects.

Let's Talk


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Social platform made exclusively for software engineers. Built with the MERN Stack, Redux, Redux Thunk, and styled-components.

  • React
  • Redux
  • Node
  • MongoDB
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Expense Tracker

Personal monthly expense tracker built with the MERN stack, Context API for state management, and Material UI for styling.

  • React
  • Material UI
  • Node
  • MongoDB
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Now That's Delicious

Interactive Food Store site. Built using Pug, Node and MongoDB. This is the product of Wes Bos's course: Learn Node.

  • Pug
  • Node
  • MongoDB
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Portfolio Website

You're looking at it! This site is built with Gatsby, queries its content from markdown files, and uses React Spring for animation.

  • Gatsby
  • GraphQL
  • React Spring
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CR Surf Forecast

(Coming soon) small React app that shows the surf forecast for a couple of surf spots in Costa Rica. Queries the API using GraphQL

  • Gatsby
  • GraphQL
  • Tailwind CSS
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Partes de Camión

Small business website for our family business. Built with Gatsby, React Bootstrap for styling, and i18n internationalization.

  • Gatsby
  • GraphQL
  • SCSS

Skills & Experience

I'm a software developer, focusing on web applications, using JavaScript as my main language.

On the front end side of things, I have experience utilizing modern frameworks such as Vue and React, with a variety of architectural approaches, styling and state management tools, and data fetching techniques.

As to server side code, my main experience lies in writing Node JS (in both JavaScript and TypeScript), and I've also had some exposure to Golang. I also have hands-on experience with testing (Jest, Enzyme, Mocha, React Testing Library), and database querying and design (SQL and MongoDB).

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Andrés Osante ©2020
